2024 Skincare Resolutions

2024 Skincare Resolutions

Ahh New Year’s Resolutions, they’re a minefield! Make them, break them, feel like a failure. Don’t make them, don’t change. Happily, there is another way, and we’ll take you through it in this blog.

When it comes to skincare there are plenty of changes both big and small you can make that will impact your skin in a positive way. Making a realistic plan with your skin pro means you’ll have expert guidance, and we always advise ensuring your changes are manageable and fit into your lifestyle.

Be Kind, Be Realistic

Think about it like this – someone who has never run a 5k makes a resolution to run 5k every day. Day 1 – forces themselves round the track. Day 2- in agony, never running again. The resolution is over before it really starts. However, choosing a realistic resolution is one thing, setting small goals to make it happen is another. For example, the same person makes a New Year’s resolution to run a half marathon in November and then they hire a trainer or check out training plans online. Turns out the first step is walking for 45 minutes twice a week, which they can achieve. The next goals are all manageable and by building the plan slowly they are able to run that half marathon 11 months later. The key is making the resolution and then breaking it into manageable goals.

Break Bad Habits

When you make a skin resolution make it a commitment to yourself and your skin. Show up for your skin by fulfilling the small steps that will lead you to your final goal or north star. If you have any bad skin habits, like falling asleep before you’ve removed your makeup or picking your pimples, it’s time to stop, but do it slowly. If you fall asleep in your makeup 7 out of 10 evenings, it’s going to be impossible to keep a resolution to never do it again! But, how about 5 out of 10 evenings for the next two weeks, then 4, 3, 2, 1, and in a few months you’ll find you’re cleansing every single night and mascara smears are just a memory.

Build Your Skin North Star Slowly

Working with a skin pro to decide on your skin north star will help you work out the steps you need to take. Start with talking through the results you’re looking for and then look to your pro for advice on how you can achieve that. Maybe you’ll want to build multiple products into your routine by the end of the year? All those actives will help your skin to look brighter and smoother. Maybe you want to build up your retinol tolerance? Maybe you want to be consistent with your eye cream or mask twice a week? Your skin pro can help you to build small goals that will lead you to hit your resolutions by the end of the year. For example, you might start the year with a simple goal of cleansing skin and applying sunscreen every morning for a month. Then, when you feel comfortable with that, you might add in EverActive after cleansing to help brighten and strengthen skin. A month or so later, it’s time to include Ultimate Boost in your routine. This lightweight hydrator works to reduce the visible signs of ageing. You’ll be hitting skin goals and seeing results, and as you get used to your routine, adding products won’t seem so tricky. You’ll be heading for 2025 with that six step AM and PM routine that you imagined into being and you won’t have overwhelmed your skin or your life!

Book in with your skin pro today and make an achievable plan that will see you glowing this year and long into 2025. Happy New Year!

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